Voermol Feeds manufactures a wide range of molasses-based supplements which meet the nutritional requirements of ruminants on any type of grazing.
The limiting nutrient that is supplied by a maintenance lick is protein, derived mainly from urea. During manufacture the urea is first dissolved in molasses syrup and then mixed into the final product.
The phosphorus and trace minerals that are deficient in pastures are supplemented by administering a mineral lick. As green pastures are deficient in minerals, mineral licks must be fed, especially when animals are gaining weight.
The provision of a transitional lick during the transition from green to dry grazing will promote the production and reproduction of cows because it prevents the loss of body mass and condition.
Production and energy licks are used to supplement energy as well as protein, minerals and trace minerals. Production and energy licks are normally given as a lick supplement to producing animals (i.e. cow with calf, ewe with lamb or growing animals).
When choosing a lick, keep the following factors in mind:
In this way the limiting nutrient or nutrients are identified and meaningfully supplemented by a lick.
NB. Licks only serve to supplement the limiting nutrient or nutrients in pastures and not as an actual feed. Licks are only recommended when there is sufficient grazing or other roughage available.
The minimum and maximum lick intake is prescribed for each product (the recommended lick intake). If lick intake deviates from the prescription, change to another lick. Normally changing from a maintenance lick to a production lick necessitates a higher intake. With a low lick intake (less than 50 g/sheep/day and 240 g/cow/day), allow a maximum of 50 sheep or 25 cattle per lick trough or lick block, or at least 25 mm lick trough space per sheep and 50 mm per cow. With a medium lick intake (more than 100 g/sheep/day and 400 g/cow/day), allow a maximum of 25 sheep or 15 cattle per lick trough or lick block, or at least 50 mm lick trough space per sheep and 100 mm per cow.
With a high lick intake (more than 250 g/sheep/day and 1 000 g/cow/ day), allow a maximum of 15 sheep or 10 cattle per lick trough or lick block, or at least 75 mm lick trough space per sheep and 150 mm per cow.
These are general guidelines to ensure that animals consume the recommended quantity for optimum results. Lick trough space must be adjusted depending on conditions (i.e. camp size, number of water points, etc.).
Licks form a large part of the input costs of stock farming. If licks are used discriminately they are very cost effective. Therefore, follow a well-planned lick programme. In consultation with the veterinarian, follow a dosing and vaccination programme, inclusive of Clostridium spp. especially for sheep and goats.
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